and I think it smiled back at me! I don’t know who’s happier about this, me, Mushie, or the poop in the mini potty. She said that she wanted to go poopie, so she was placed on the fake toilet thingy (whatever it’s called), and dropped a turdle.

It was amazing. Why? Because I’m starting to see it. A world without diapers and butt wipes and zinc cream and rubber gloves and hazmat suits. A world where I can leave the house without wondering how many poops I saw in the morning and anticipating what damage could happen while out in the field. It’s a future where a visit to the zoo doesn’t cover anyone’s backside, frontside, and sideside in excrement. A future where I’m not smelling butts before and between appetizers and dessert, patting the diaper sag every hour, or avoiding Mushie’s booty bulge in hopes that Steph will be “the first one” to notice that something’s amiss.

From what I’ve read about toddlers, girls tend to drop the diapers sooner than boys…something about boys just not giving a crap (pardon the pun) that a giant tootsie roll is hitching a ride. Though I can see how after a while, you just wouldn’t notice it back there…or that maybe there’s a possibility that it could just dry out and fall off on its own.

We didn’t rush the Worm into underwear. And he did take his time with it, until the peer pressure from schoolmates probably coaxed him into getting his shit together (another pun, sorry). So, I don’t really want to rush the Smushter. Studies say that it’s a sensitive subject and you can screw up children for life if you don’t potty train correctly. And there’s a fine line between letting them crap everywhere they please and forcing them to spend the better part of the day on the toilet waiting to experience the real thing. If Mushmonster was easy to change, I wouldn’t care so much. But having to wrestle and pin her down during changes isn’t fun anymore. We’re going on two years with the same flailing, kicking, and grabbing. She’s getting bigger and stronger…and I’m only getting older and slower.

Mushie, I'm just glad you didn't turn around and pick it up with your hands...

Mushie, I’m just glad you didn’t turn around and pick it up with your hands…