Rest in Peace - Unknown - 9/21/2015

Rest in Peace Frodo (Rescued 9/14/2002 – 9/21/2015)

First, there were three.  (4)

Another soon came,  (5)

For us to adore.  (5)

Long walks. Dog parks.

Weekends were idle,

For two legs and four.

Love was unbound,

Yet home, incomplete.

One child. Then, one more.


Our hearts were full.

This clan was intact.

Together, we’d band.

Year after year

Blurred. Struggles, pleasures,

Both, slipped through time’s hand.

Frail. Weak. You’re spent

And steadfast in bed.

We did understand.

Ready to sleep.

Our eldest’s chest stopped,

No more to expand.

We watched you go.

And held you. And cried.

One day, we will stand

…together again.

Frodo, you reside inside each of us now, where you will forever woo and stomp. Your voice will live on as part of our own and we will carry your memories with us until we see each other again. Thank you for the time you shared with us.

We love and miss you dearly.